

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Fosse Love!

Hey you guys!

I can’t say that I have that much to share in this post but am back to sketching at last!!!

I’m working on a sketch in memory of Bob Fosse.

It’s REALLY tempting to share what I have so far but I want to fix it a bit.

I know that many like to share almost everything online.

I’m not one of those people.Although, being truthful I did share alot more in the past.

Still, I did not grow up with alot of the technology that we have today.

I think that people should have the freedom of choice and shouldn’t have to feel as if it’s neccesary to share everything with the world.

For example: I don’t understand the need to record a rehearsal.

If I were in charge of a rehearsal, I would not allow cellphones or anytype of recording device in the studio. If someone had a recording device they would be fired.

Having a cellphone, etc. in a rehearsal is a sign that someone would rather be on their cellphone than rehearsing and how does that benefit a show!?

I’d hire someone to keep track of one phone and that phone number would be given to the cast for emergancy’s ONLY. If someone called due to an emergancy I would take that into account.

It’s probably a good thing that I did not stay in theatre because I’d be known as being tough and not taking any sh*t!

I wouldn’t yell at anyone but I’d fire them without a second thought. Is a show any good if you can’t do that?

Being on your cell,etc. is also proof that some feel as if they can not work without looking at their phone. There weren’t always cell phones though and people can do ALOT more than they think! The human body is amazing!

Many nolonger believe in themselves to that point because there’s technology that can do the work for them.

Let me be the first to remind some, you can do it!

If there were a very bad situation like there was with Tom Hanks character in CastAway. I tend to wonder if some people would know how to survive though. All because many have forgotten. Sad but true!

To me, wanting people to share everything is like asking someone to walk down the street nude.

It’s like my ex wanting me to tell him all of the situations in my high school when in reality I was traumatised so many times in my high school that wanting someone to go there was completely inhumane.

The two places that treated me humanely were Church and the theatre.

I would say never date a Comedian because I’ve had a few bad experiences with them but in all honesty, a few bad eggs doesn’t mean they’re all bad. I meant rotten. The decaying smell from their being rotten may drift but it doesn’t bother everyone. It’s not THAT powerful. Some simply wave it away and ignore it, knowing that it’s not worth the time it would take to think about.

Moving on, I talked about the 1999 musical Fosse on my substack page at

It will not be published until I am done with this work. I look forward to sharing it when it is done though and will post about it here!

Lastly I wanted to say happy birthday to Kate Middleton (The Princess of Wales)

It will be her birthday on the 9th so I made this!!!

I read somewhere that pink is her favourite colour.

I hope that she has a great one!

Until that time, have a great week!

Until next time,

