

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste


Hey people!

I hope you’re having a great monday!

I know, I told many that I was going to take a break for Thankgiving.

Honestly, I am taking it a bit slower. I am!!! Seriously.

I don’t know if everyone would call that a break but I’m not everyone.

Nobody is actually! Everyone is who they are and to ME that’s absolutely beautiful!

I have a few things to share in this post!


The first is a project that I shared in the past.

As many of you know, I’ve been working to update my studio!

I was rather excited about it and the thought of working with all my friends is really beyond words!

To update those of you who do not follow me on a regular basis I made these collages!

I have not been able to get in contact with all of my friends, and due to that this project failed.

I was very proud at first because I had absolutely NO idea that this would not work.

I used a clear medium and although it is great for craft projects it is not good for tables.


Moving on, this shows what happened.

It’s a smaller scale of course but things would stick to the table and when pulled off, all the paint would come with them!

The arrow shows one very small example.

Imagine that multiplied!


One of the things I learned in theatre was that the show must go on!

I have been reminded of that by many, you all know who you are.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, I started all over. This shows what I have so far. I am not finished though so keep a eye on this blog to see how it turns out!!!

I also have not forgotten about projects that I have talked with some about. Please don’t think that I have forgotten any of you!

I just learned that I need to take it one day at a time!

I was reminded of names and the issues spelling them wrong can cause when a friend mentioned it.

Her name was spelled wrong at a restaurant, which in my opinion can cause issues. It can confuse people so it’s easy to mix up who’s drink is whose.

It’s also not wonderful to get names wrong on credits, etc. either!

The wrong spelling can often make it extremely hard to look up a person and find out what they have done, etc. and if they are a good fit for future projects.

Still, in the bigger picture we are so much more then names! You are perfect just as you are and don’t have to get everything perfectly right.

Hopefully, you will not let that sort of thing stop you from sharing your outstanding talents with the world!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Questions or comments about this post or my art?

Again, don’t be shy!

Leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also write me at:

Most importantly be kind!

