

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Sketch and Digital work!

Hey people!

Ready for the weekend!?

I’m all excited! I’ve got an organised studio and am in a creative mood.

I’ll be painting this weekend!!

If you create, ya probably know that my studio won’t be organised for long.

My studio being messy is just a sign that I’ve been working.


I think that I’ll be keeping it a bit better now though as I’ve really learned alot.

It takes up space to work on 100000 projects at once, which I honestly should have known on my own but nobody’s perfect.


For those who have been following me I talked of a sketch that I made of my friend Brians photograph.

Well, here it is! Please leave me a comment and let me know what ya think!

This sketch hardly does Brian’s photograph justice but what can I say? I was inspired!

Hands are extremely hard for me but I do realise that no artist started out drawing everything correctly.

I decided not to follow realism because it doesn’t flow from the soul as much to me.

I could have studied realism though and I’m sure over time I would have gotten better at it.

It’s just not what I love to do.

There are two loves that I will hold in my heart forever.

Those are musical theatre and Abstract art.

I do absolutely love nature and health, etc. but they are not my main loves.


Speaking of Nature!

I created this work to share with you from a photo that I took.

In a way it’s making fun of the fact that it’s Spring, yet cold.

Anyway, I hope that you all like it. :)

Please note if you follow me I do post photos of my food, and digital greetings from time to time.

I do not wish to confuse anyone though.

I am a simple visual artist and not a chef, preacher, or coach, etc.

I am also not by any means a medical professional and no longer do theatre.

Questions or comments about this post or my art?

Again, don’t be shy! Write me at:

Most importantly be kind and until next time keep smiling people!!!

