

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Collages for Medical Marijuana!

Please vote! Your voice matters!


Please vote! Your voice matters! 〰️

Hey everyone!

I made some new collages to share.

One shows some of my Zazzle products but another shows some of my new Jewellery sets!

I can not wrap my brain around why the U.S.A. didn’t stick with the spelling of Jewellery!

It’s so beautiful! Along with many other words!

Ok, moving on, here is a collage I made just for you showing some magnets.

If you’ve been following me on Facebook or Instagram you have probably seen more.

The reason I sell these at lower prices instead of buying a bunch to sell on my own is because I truly believe that everyone deserves art. Art is not just for the rich. Although it’s not free to make either!

These are images showing the original works but they aren’t the original paintings, etc. themselves.

In my point of view that decreases the value and makes what I’m selling them for perfect.

I am aware that some would disagree but to each their own.

Moving on, next I have some jewellery to share!!!

I haven’t forgotten about my mural art, etc. but have put that off for right now due to some personal issues.

I’m REALLY wanting to stand up for Stacey Abrams in my jewellery more!

I just think Stacey Abrams is awesome and just what this area needs.

I’m standing up for Medical Marijuana for right now but keep your eyes open for more!!!

I love standing up for Medical Marijuana!

Marijuana is believed to help with muscle control, and people swear by its ability to lessen tremors in Parkinson’s disease.

PLEASE PLEASE if you are thinking about trying it for medical purposes look into where you get it. There should be lab results publicly available. If not that should be a red sign that something may be off!

I personally have epilepsy and CBD oil helped to end my seizures during the day.

It also helps me with pain. If THC were legal for me to try I would be the first on board.

I can't help but feel very strongly about Medical Marijuana due to the fact that it could seriously save my life!

Knowing that J.F.K. himself smoked it in the White house to relieve his pain also makes me feel strongly about it.

I also love that Queen Victoria was known to use it for pain too.

Guess that runs in the family! GRINS

Is it crazy that I feel closer to her when I’m drinking CBD oil?

Anyway, I hope you all like my new sets!!!

These were mostly made with Amethyst beads but some were also made with CatsEye beads.

Amethyst beads represent purity of the spirit.

Cats eye is believed to help ward off evil and acts as a talisman to protect against unforeseen danger.

It's known to bring wealth and prosperity and/or help people regain lost wealth.

Cats Eye is extremely helpful when standing strong while others deny the healing properties found in Medical Marijuana.

I hope you all are doing great.


〰️ 〰️

See you soon!!

