

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Be a hoot! Pass on Peace.

Hey you guys.

I have some things to share with you all today.

Please note that I DO get passionate about this subject and make some mistakes in the audio below.

Still, I have chosen to share it anyway. I don’t believe that everything has to be perfect. Infact as theatre taught me some things are imperfectly perfect and impossible things are happening everyday!

I first wanted to note that I think it’s REALLY great of Savannah to be celebrating the Irish. As some of you know I have some Irish in me.

Moving along, I wanted to talk a little bit about being part Irish, judgement and Epilepsy.

I talked a bit about judgement in my last post too and also talked a bit about the fact that I have Epilepsy.

I do not hide the fact that I have Epilepsy but do not wish for it to define who I am either. Although, in all honesty I have been talking about it a bit more than usual.

I don’t think that my talking about it is for myself because as far as a business move goes, it’s not a wonderful one.

People are scared of what they don’t understand. In reality few talk about issues in the brain, Epilepsy happens in the brain and people fear it. It’s only a wise business move if you’re a Neurologist or study the brain, etc. which I’m not and don’t study the brain.

That is probably why there is usually some reason that makes it impossible for me to create awareness in some cases. There are things that some simply do not want patients to understand. That is NOT the case with all doctors because some are rather understanding, kind and truly life savers! There are also many in society who still judge it due to fear.

If people never talk about issues in the brain though. If Epilepsy is never noted, more who suffer from it will be judged by it.

Judging is wrong! To stop a person from living, making a living, etc. because of fear is wrong!

Although in all honesty some of the technical issues I have could be a crazy fan of mine.They could also be someone who follows my cousins, etc. or someone who and has chosen to bother me to get to them.

Who knows!?!

Either way, I believe that I should keep talking about Epilepsy sometimes for those who have it much worse or like I used to. I’m not scared and I’m not in the business of art solely for art. I DO want to help others and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Only with my art.

I will let noone stop that.

The public didn’t want Johnny Cash to sing to those in prison years ago but that was one of the best business moves of his life.

Sometimes the public can be wrong about what is best for your business. Sometimes, the best thing is to follow your heart.

I know how blessed I am to have my Epilepsy mainly under control today.

I do not and never will take that lightly and feel obligated not to hide it.

I feel that I should create awareness of it.

Someone needs to let those with Epilepsy know that they aren’t alone and not to be scared.

That they too matter! We matter too! Even if some in society, etc. think otherwise. Some with Epilepsy fear telling others that they have seizures due to judgement. I understand that.

I’ve gotten judgement from adults, kids, doctors, artists, etc. People are simply scared of what they don’t understand. I pity those who would assume that anyone with a health issue cannot think or is unworthy of a job because all in all it’s really their loss.

One day others will learn that we matter too. One day we will ALL be free to be who we are and not be judged by race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.

One day people will NOT simply preach that but actually live it.

I ran across a very interesting video called The Royals Dirty Little Secret.

You can find it HERE

I assumed by the title that it would be talking bad about Queen Mary, King George V and their family like so many other videos. They DID have their faults.

I’m not going to say that but they were human too and to be human means having faults.

I couldn’t have been more wrong about that video though! Although missing some things, this video actually was rather surprising and more honest.

As promised, I do talk a bit about it in the audio below. I apologise that it’s not a wonderful recording.

If issues such as mental illness, Epilepsy, etc. bother you please take that into consideration before continuing to listen to my audio.

Today my Epilepsy is basically under control but it was not always like that. I also had to mave multiple surgeries, etc. to get to this point.

As noted in the past my brothers are both mentally ill. I did have to watch as they grew up normally because at the time their mental illnesses were not as bad. As noted in the audio I did not have to always watch my sister grow up because she is older.

I can not say that mental illness was not there though and that my brothers being alcoholics, etc. wasn’t EXTREMELY hard on me because it was.

One brothers mental illness has not been under control but the others partially is. Only partially though! My sisters was never THAT bad. Infact, I believe that it may not be a mental illness but something caused from living under such stress.

Due to that I have chosen on my own NOT to participate in holidays, etc.

It’s just too stressful for me and I do not believe it’s best for my health.

Infact if I had the money, I probably wouldn’t even do laundry in the house I grew up in. It’s just too stressful for me and stress is afterall the leading cause of seizures.

That house is not even the REAL house that I grew up in. The REAL house I grew up in was lost in a fire. That was on WTOC and later The Les is More show was put on at the Savannah Theatre to help my family.

My room was the only room that wasn’t rebuilt, which is also just a reminder of what I have lost.

Stress can kill because it can cause anyone to have a heart attack. That fact is simply increased in those with Epilepsy.

Some people do not know that you can eventually charge monthly for certain accounts.

Due to that, I could make a living off of AngelasArtArea.

My having technical difficulties so much, stops me from doing what I need to live.

It stops me from being able to afford being physically free and that is inhumane.

The reason for that does not matter but know this….I will continue to try and make a living from my art to gain the freedom that I have worked to have.

I do not have to be defined by my Epilepsy alone. I do not have to beg for pity and gain sympathy due to the pain I have so bravely faced. I know that some can make a good amount of money from my story of Epilepsy. I’m not a fool but I’m not willing to play the pity card.

I’ve also done alot of things in my life that have absolutely nothing to do with Epilepsy. I wish to remember that although I wear the mask, it does not and never will wear me.

I am just as worthy of seeing this beautiful world as anyone and should be free to see it. My family has shown me pictures, as my father was an army brat and saw the world.

The rest of my family has too and I am happy for them. At least someone has the money to live.

Pictures of others who have seen this world simply do not take the place of actually being there though. Although there is happiness to see the beauty of the world, they cause a certain amount of pain.

Especially if they are pictures shown by family with enough money to help me gain my freedom. When those pictures are shown to me, it’s almost as if my own family is saying “Look at where I went and where you can NEVER go. Hahaha!”

The only reason that I don’t cry over that is because I’ve grown used to it. Some DO cry about things like that and that is often when someone will help them.

My tears are all dried up about certain things though because the pain created has hit too deep.

Due to that I have no tears left in certain situations.

There is a difference between hiring someone to help with everyday tasks, etc. and hiring someone to be a secratary.

I’d hire both if I could because both would be helpful.

I nolonger need a nurse, which is really great but something that I am getting used to. It is a great relief as I did wake up on the floor with horrible bruises, etc. in the past.

I never did let that stop me though!

The show must go on!

I did get a bit passionate there but decided to post it anyway.

King George VI was named Albert before he was King. I did NOT note that.

I also did not note that King Nicholas II of Russia was Empress Alexandras husband. I simply said that my cousins name is Nick.

Please note that this audio is not meant to suggest that meditation alone can magically cure anyone. I only believe that meditation can help and can fully control certain medical conditions. It can NOT fully control ALL of them. There is no magical cure for some conditions, those saying otherwise would be wrong.

You should go to a professional doctor if you have a serious condition.

Anyway, please listen and let me know what you think about it.

Lastly, I wanted to share the stamp that I talk about!

I used the wonderful KVADPhoto&PRO2 and added a frame.

I hope you like it.

Again, Kent Peterson wrote this letter of encouragement and made this stamp for me.

Thank you Kent!!!

You can visit Kent’s substack page at VISIT Kent's substack here!

Please send letters of encouragement like this to people in your life and let them know that they can.

Most importantly, that they matter to you and aren’t alone.

Wisely pass on messages of peace!

Even someone who you may not know needs a friends encouragement, may infact need just that.

Personally I’m trying to do everything needed each day and make the pages on my site.

Local artists do not interact that much with me or invite me to even be interviewed, etc. as they do many other artists. It’s as if to many here, I simply do not exist. Which is ok because there is a HUGE world and Savannah, Ga. is only a small part of it.

I thank those artists who have been kind to me and let me know that I am just as worthy!

I know that I can because I’ve done it before but like everyone sometimes I need reminders!

After I get all of that done, I will be creating for sure.

I just honestly get EXTREMELY tired right now with so much depression around me it is hard. I don’t see it as much by choice but it is still hard. This is why I honestly should not be living here. It’s emotionally draining to live here. It’s hugely emotionally harmful for me.

If it were not for my leaves, etc. I couldn’t get through the days here.

Either way, I’ll use this stamp alot to pass on the peace!

Thank you again Kent. Have a great week everyone.

Until next time.

