

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Collages & A. I.

Hey you guys!

I always think of the Goonies when I write that!

The first thing that I’m going to share this week are collages I made to help The Savannah Art Association. These works will be up at 4517 Habersham St. until August 4th so head on over there!

This is my R&B Coconut Smoothie!

  1. 2 C Frozen Raspberries

  2. 1 Frozen Banana

  3. 1 tsp Chia Seeds

  4. 1tsp Sesame Seeds

  5. 1tsp Flax Seeds

    Fill rest up with Coconut water. Blend and enjoy!

I tend to repeat myself a bit when I get passionate about something, can you tell!?

I did not explain that at 16yrs it wasn’t brain surgery but in MY opinion a surgical procedure.

Medical professionals did not claim it as one at the time and who knows what they’d claim today but I think if someone cuts open your head to put something on your brain it’s a medical procedure. One that is extremely traumatic as well. This was NOT done for a small reason. I had a VERY SERIOUSLY BAD case of Epilepsy when I was younger.

Along with going to rehearsals, etc. I had to go to the dr. alot to get medical tests done as well as blood taken. That’s why I can relate to anyone having to deal with medical tests, etc. They ARE traumatic and hard! There were some days that I had to force myself to go through with the tests needed. All the while having to deal with the normally hard things teens have to deal with growing up.

If you DO have to go through ANY medical tests, PLEASE know that you aren’t alone. PLEASE know that I fully know how hard it can be.

You can do it!

I talked a bit about the original Charmed cast coming back and promised to share the petition for that to happen.

Here it is!!!

Lastly and as usual I’ve made a new collage in support of

Stacey Abrams,

Raphael Warnock,

Wade Herring

and Jon Ossoff!!

I WILL always support these wonderful people who I truly believe are doing what’s right!

You can read more about them by going to their sites!

Stacey Abrams:

Please note that Stacey Abrams site will give you other political sites to go to.

Stacey Abrams has made a historical mark that nobody can ever take away.

She has shown Georgia just what a strong females voice can do and is an inspiration who will always be remembered!

Raphael Warnock:

Wade Herring:

Jon Ossoff:

Contact them about any political issues and let your voices be heard because YOU MATTER!!!

Don’t ignore injustice because as the great Martin Luther King said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice EVERYWHERE.

Fear can paralyze a community and get people to become silent about the things that matter most.

As said in Stephen King’s The Stand, Make your STAND!

If for any reason, I am ever unable to stand for myself, let there be NO doubt about the fact that I WILL one day stand up tall again!

My voice matters! Your voice matters! EVERY voice matters!


This world will be better if people worked together to help each other before more problems occur.

Huge thanks to KVADPhoto+PRO2 and Paint 3D for providing such wonderful options!

I have to suggest them to any artist!

Until next time.

