

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Pride, Products and Voting.

Hey you guys!

I hope that you had a great week even with what has been going on.

I hope that each of you have found the strength to look beyond what has been happening.

Personally, it breaks my heart but I cannot say that I should have been surprised. History often repeats itself.

I don’t know everything but that is one thing I do know!

People have tortured others, killed, started wars, etc. all in the name of Religion. Just read your history books and you will see that fact.

The fact is that no ones life is like another.

Noone can truthfully say that they fully understand or are capable of understanding what another life has gone through. Only each person knows what is best for their situation.

It would be wonderful if every child could be born but that is simply not the best thing for every situation. Noone including myself can truthfully say what is best for anothers situation.

If history has shown us anything, it has shown that playing God is never a good thing. Some obviously did not learn that fact.

The unknown/God lives in each person and that is something I believe strongly. I DO know that people can often be wrong though! I know that I’m wrong sometimes and that would be because I’m a person.

Mothers and Fathers also have a part of the unknown/God in them. Harming them is infact harming a part of the unknown/God. In my point of view if you don’t wish to harm the unknown/God you should take these facts into consideration.

Ok, onto art because I tend to take these things WAY to personally and they can make someone sick. That too should also be taken into consideration!

I am not the only person things like this harm. I TRY to leave things like this to people like Stacey Abrams, etc. because they are in the health to handle them correctly but it is simply heartbreaking!

Will people EVER learn!? Will history forever repeat itself?

I have a couple things to share this Monday and hopefully they will help a bit!

Honestly, I am no Politician and would move in a heartbeat if that were a possibility for me at the moment. It truly seems as if we are going back in time and that is completely unsafe! I think this area may be beautiful but it’s also highly inhumane.

We don’t need to go back, the people need to know it’s ok to move forward and live. To be free!

This is a collage showing some of the works I shared this week! Each work is for pride month, which is an absolutely beautiful thing that no person should ever even think of bothering.

Next I wanted to share some works that I’ve made in my zazzle store. Most of the works at the moment are in support of Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

I voted and hope that you did too!

I have a photo to share and a story as well.

I was standing by a painting of mine when this was taken.

It’s title is Magnolia and is one of my much earlier works. Some of you may know from reading what I’ve written that I’m VERY VERY Spiritual.

Infact, I wouldn’t be surprised if some assumed that I’d vote the opposite of what I do because of that fact.

When I painted this it was when my jaw was still fine and I sang alot.

I knew almost every hymn in the hymnal.

As some of you know, I was in a few choirs and even when I was limping onto the stage, I’d be there singing!

I never read the bible because my concentration would not allow me to.

Until I took CBD oil for a year that is! Now I read alot! I would memorise everything perfectly though! Songs, lines, you name it!

It’s a bit sad to know how smart I could have been but nothing good comes from living in the past.

Infact, I wouldn’t even go there if it were not for the events taking place today. I feel that sharing some of my story may help someone. It may not, I don’t even know if this is ever read but it just might help at least one person. Helping one person is worth everything to me!

Today I do not sing often because my jaw will pop out of joint if I do. That can be EXTREMELY painful!

Noone can imagine how extremely emotionally painful it is for someone who spent years singing in choirs, etc. to all of a sudden have that one love of their life taken away.

Let me be the only one who has to suffer a loss like that. Do not take those who love eachother away from one another.

I’m not idiotic and I know that this law is the pathway to other laws that will cause even more people pain.

If you wouldn’t wish pain upon me, don’t wish it on others.

If you would wish pain on me but will not say so publicly please know that I will not let that stop me.

The strength to go on despite that pain comes directly from the unknown. I can’t explain it and nobody on this earth can. Due to that, I do not fear it.

Like Franklin Roosevelt said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Pain has never stopped me from living before and it sure as heck won’t today but let my pain be enough.

Let my pain satisfy you.

Let it be!

I do not want pity, infact I am tired of it but I will share this story and beg people to let it be!

Moving on, the hymn I was singing while painting this was the apple tree. I can truthfully say the tree of life my soul hath seen many times and it be 100% true! I cannot say why but that is a very true fact. I bet those in office can’t say that and I hope they take a second look at all their laws because one day they too will be judged!

I have another story to share, etc. but I think it best to wait for that one.

Until next week, you all take care of yourselves.

