

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste

Event and Awareness!

Hey everyone!

I hope that you had a wonderful week.

I know that I did and have a few things to share with you.

The first is a collage that I made dedicated to King Charles lll as my way of saying congratulations on being king!

It’s also in memory of Queen Elizabeth ll

Next, I have a picture from an event that I put three of my paintings in!

In memory of:

King George Vl Dec. 14, 1895- Feb. 6, 1952


Prince John July 12, 1905 – Jan. 18, 1919

It was at the Coffee Deli at 4517 Habersham St. and will hang until August 4th.

It shows multiple talented artists works as well!

I highly recommend popping by to give it a look.

To learn more go to:

Here are some collages that I made based on the works I have showing there!

To make the font larger if you have a touch screen simply touch the screen and drag it to the preferred size.

This is a 16” X 20” mixed media work that I made years ago for a recycling exhibition!

The white in it is in memory of those lost to Lung Cancer.

The hand in the middle is in lavender for Epilepsy Awareness. It is in memory of all lives lost due to Epilepsy.

This is another 16” X 20” work
Take a look at Dark Horse:

The artists who put this together are amazing!

This is yet another 16” X 20” work.

It was made when I was going through a Frida Kahlo phase.

The one thing that I did not describe in this collage are the bricks on the upper right side.

The bricks are pink, purple and blue. They represent the brick wall people put up when it comes to the understanding of bi-sexuality. It can be very painful if you let it and many times, people don’t even realize they’re discriminating. It’s sad!

I also wanted to share what I’ve posted this week.

Most of the time, I leave some things out.

I know that if you’re following me on my FB business or Instagram business page, you would have seen my posts for the week!

These show some of my works, most were put in and made for a recycling exhibition that I had years ago!

I hope that you like these. If you see a work that you’re interested in please feel free to contact me at:

My main site shows some of my jewellery but not all. My paintings page is also down at the moment.
Last but certainly not least, I have a collage that I made in support of

Stacey Abrams,

Raphael Warnock,

Wade Herring

and Jon Ossoff!!

They can count on me to always support them!

You can read more about them by going to their sites!

Stacey Abrams:

Please note that Stacey Abrams site will give you other political sites to go to. Stacey Abrams has has made a historical mark that nobody can ever take away. She is an inspiration who will always be remembered!

Raphael Warnock:

Wade Herring:

Jon Ossoff:

Contact them about any political issues and let your voices be heard because YOU MATTER!!!

Don’t ignore injustice because as the great Martin Luther King said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Fear can paralyze a community and get people to become silent about the things that matter most.

Do not let others drag fear into your heart. Do not stay silent!

As said in Stephen King’s The Stand, Make your STAND!

This world will be better if people work together to help each other before more problems occur.

Huge thanks to KVADPhoto+PRO2 and Paint 3D for providing such wonderful options!

I have to suggest them to any artist!

Until next time.

