

This blog tells about the updates Angela makes.

It features her art but talks a bit about others, etc. as well. This does not happen in every post!

Angela is not shy in speaking up about others who have inspired her, etc.

This blog is to help create awareness of LGBTQ rights, etc. but first speaks up for Women in the arts.

However please note that if you have any political issues, etc. contact those in charge of them. This blog is mainly about art.

Thank you for understanding and Namaste


Hey everyone!

Can you believe that this is Thanksgiving week!? I certainly can’t!

Time seems to be flying by.

There are so many things to be thankful for!

The main one for me is my having learned about my ancestry.

I learned mine at and highly recommend it.

Learning about your family history, etc. is the best thing to give to yourself and your family!

It’s information that will no doubt help this year and years to come.


Moving on, I’ve made some collages that I wanted to share with you all.

The first one shows the cards I made years ago.

It shows my leftover folders and how I cut them into 2.5” X 3.5” cards!

As seen here!!! >>>>

The next shows a digital work I made from some art created on these cards!

Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Philip

Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Philip

One was inspired by the Tudor rose.

Last and most important to me is both were created in celebration of the 73rd wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Philip.

I found out on that they are my distant relatives through Queen Victoria!

I also found out that Abraham Lincoln is another ancestor!

His 4th great grandfather is actually the one who came to the U.S.A.!

As I’ve shown in the past, another ancestor is someone who was hanged in the Salem Witch Trials .

She was a nurse and was accused of killing babies who died in childbrith, among many horrible things!

I found out that in almost the exact location Lincoln’s 4th great-Grandfather came here.

It’s wonderful to learn about my ancestors and distant relatives! It is a huge blessing.

Although learning some of it at first made me sad, society was rather cruel in the past. I wouldn’t change my learning about it for the world! It took strength to stand up for what was right and refuse to lie.

If it weren’t for those who stood for truth in the past, we would not have the rights we do today.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

It makes me proud to know the strength that lay in me!

I know you’d be giving the best gift in the world to your family if they could find out what strength, etc. lay in them too.

It is amazing to know the things we can learn today and the people we are connected to!

I wish I could say thank you in person to those alive and to honour those gone but I can’t right now.

Still, I can’t say thank you enough for what my they have each given.

I am beyond thankful for it all!

To learn more please go to

Please have a wonderful day!

